destiempo: at the wrong moment; inopportunely; untimely; out of season; late
destierro: exile; banishment; place of exile
destilación: distillation; catarrhal discharge
destilado: distilled
destilador: distilling; distiller; still
destilar: to distil; to ooze; to reveal; to filter through; to trickle down
destilería: distillery; distilling plant
destinado: destined; earmarked
destinar: to destine; to designate; to appoint; to allot; to post
destinatario: addressee; consignee
destino: destination; fate; destiny; fortune; doom; employment; post; job
destitución: destitution; depriving; dismissal; removal from office
destituir: to dismiss or remove from office; to destitute; to deprive
destornillador: screwdriver
destornillar: to unscrew
destornillarse: to go crazy
destreza: skill; dexterity; address; mastery
destripador: ripper
destripar: to gut; to disembowel; to take the inside out of; to crush; to take to pieces; to pull
destronar: to dethrone; to overthrow from power; to push aside; to eclipse
destrozado: demolished; destroyed; worn-out; devastated
destrozar: to wreck; to ruin; to slaughter; to devastate; to break in pieces; to shatter; to rend; to
destroy; to spoil; to ill-treat; to annihilate
destrozarse: to be ruined
destrozo: destruction; damage; breakage; havoc
destrozón: destructive; one who wears out shoes and clothes too quickly
destrucción: destruction
destructor: destructive; destroyer
destruir: to destroy; to ruin; to wreck; to waste; to dissipate
destruirse: to destroy each other
desunión: disunion; disunity
desunir: to separate; to cause a rift between; to disunite
desunirse: to come apart; to disunite
desusado: unusual; out of use; obsolete
desuso: disuse; obsoleteness; desuetude
desvaído: faded; dull; pale; lank; ungainly
desvalido: destitute; helpless; unprotected
desvalijar: to take out or steal the contents of; to rob; to plunder; to fleece
desvalorización: devaluation
desvalorizar: to devalue
desvalorizarse: to go down in value
desván: loft; attic; garret
desvanecer: to melt; to cause to vanish; to dispel; to dissipate; to efface; to swell with pride
desvanecerse: to vanish; to disappear; o melt; to evaporate; to faint; to swoon; to fade
desvanecimiento: fainting fit; swoon; giddiness; melting; vanishing; dispelling; pride;
desvariar: to be delirious; to rave; to rant; to talk nonsense
desvarío: delirium; raving; wild act or speech; nonsense; monstrosity; inconstancy; caprice;
desvelar: to keep awake; to make sleepless; to reveal