English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

ducharse: to take a shower
ducho: knowledgeable; skilful; expert; experienced
dúctil: easily influenced; ductile
duda: doubt; query
dudar: to doubt; to question; to waver; to hesitate
dudoso: doubtful; dubious; unsure; uncertain
duela: stave; fluke
duelo: duel; grief; sorrow; pity; compassion; mourning; bereavement; mourners
duende: elf; pixie; goblin; hobgoblin; charm; magic
dueño: owner; proprietor; master; landlord; landowner
dulce: sweet; fresh; gentle; cake; candy; sweetmeat
dulzaina: kind of flageolet
dulzura: sweetness; mildness; gentleness; kindliness; pleasantness
duna: dune
dúo: duet; duo
duodécimo: twelfth
duodeno: duodenum
dúplex: duplex; apartment on two floors
duplicado: duplicate
duplicar: to double; to duplicate
duplicidad: duplicity
duque: duke
duquesa: duchess
duración: duration; endurance; lasting
duradero: lasting; hard-wearing; durable; enduring
durante: during; for
durar: to last; to endure; to continue; to wear well
durazno: peach
dureza: hardness; harshness; severity; obstinacy; callosity
durmiente: sleeping; dormant; sleeper
duro: hard; tough; harsh; severe; rigorous; unbearable; obdurate; unfeeling; obstinate; strong;
hardy; stingy; stiff

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