entromparse: to get drunk; to get plastered
entroncar: to be connected; to be related
entronizar: to enthrone; to exalt
entronque: road junction; relationship between people of the stock
entubar: to intubate
entuerto: wrong; injustice
entumecer: to benumb; to make torpid
entumecerse: to go numb; to go to sleep; to swell
entumecido: numb
entumecimiento: numbness; torpor; swelling
enturbiar: to make cloudy; to cloud; to spoil; to cast a shadow over; to muddy; to obscure; to
muddle; to dim; to confuse; to trouble
enturbiarse: yo go cloudy; to turn cloudy; to become complicated; to get obscured
entusiasmar: to awake the enthusiasm of; to enrapture
entusiasmarse: to be filled with enthusiasm; to be enraptured
entusiasmo: enthusiasm
entusiasta: enthusiast; keen
enumeración: enumeration; list
enumerar: to list; to enumerate
enunciado: wording; formulation; enouncement; statement
enunciar: to set out; to state; to enounce; to enunciate
envainar: to sheathe
envalentonar: to embolden; to make daring
envalentonarse: to grow bold or daring
envanecer: to make conceited; to make vain
envanecerse: to become conceited or vain; to be proud of
envasado: bottling; canning; tinning; packing
envasar: to bottle; to can; to tin; to pack; to put into a container
envase: container; packing; bottling; canning
envejecer: to grow old; to age; to make look old; to mature
envejecimiento: ageing; growing or looking old
envenenador: poisoner
envenenamiento: poisoning
envenenar: to poison; to envenom
envenenarse: to be poisoned
envergadura: breadth; wingspan; span; spread; importance; significance
envés: back; wrong side; underside; reverse
enviado: envoy; messenger
enviar: to send; to dispatch; to ship
enviciar: to corrupt; to lead astray
enviciarse: to become addicted; to get hooked
envidar: to bet or bid against
envidia: envy; enviousness; jealousy
envidiable: enviable
envidiar: to envy; to grudge; to begrudge
envidioso: envious
envilecer: to degrade; to dishonour; to debase; to vilify
envilecerse: to degrade oneself; to lower oneself
envío: dispatch; sending; consignment; shipment; remittance
envite: bet; shove; push; offer; proffer
enviudar: to become a widower or widow