evasiva: evasive; reply; evasion; subterfuge
evasivo: evasive
evento: unforeseen circumstance; event; contingency
eventual: eventual; contingent; temporary
eventualidad: temporary status; chance; circumstance; case; contingency
evidencia: obviousness; evidence; certainty; fact; proof
evidenciar: to demonstrate; to make clear; to show
evidente: obvious; clear; evident
evitar: to avoid; to prevent; to elude; to shun; to save
evitarse: to avoid each other
evocación: evocation; evoking
evocador: evocative
evocar: to recall; to evoke; to call up; to conjure
evolución: evolution; development
evolucionar: to evolve; to develop; to change
evolucionismo: evolutionism
evolucionista: evolutionist
ex: former; ex
exabrupto: cutting remark; abruptly; suddenly
exacerbación: aggravation; exacerbation
exacerbante: exasperating; infuriating
exacerbar: to irritate; to exasperate; to exacerbate; to make worse
exactitud: accuracy; exactness; precision; punctuality
exacto: exact; precise; accurate; punctual
exageración: exaggeration
exagerado: excessive; exaggerated
exagerar: to exaggerate
exaltación: praise; exaltation; passion; excitement
exaltado: overexcited; worked up; impassioned; heated; hothead; extreme
exaltar: to excite; to work up; to elevate; to raise
exaltarse: to get worked up; to get carried away
examen: examination; exam; test; inspection; study; survey
examinador: examiner; examining
examinar: to examine; to consider; to inspect; to survey; to look into; to search; to scan
examinarse: to sit an examination
exangüe: exhausted; drained; bloodless; pale; lifeless; dead
exánime: dead; exhausted; drained; lifeless; weak, faint
exasperación: exasperation
exasperante: exasperating
exasperar: to exasperate
exasperarse: to become exasperated
excarcelación: release from prison
excarcelar: to release from prison
escavación: excavation; digging; dig
excavador: excavating; digging
excavadora: power shovel; digger
excavar: to dig; to excavate; to loosen the soil around a plant
excedencia: leave of absence; temporary retirement
excedente: surplus; on leave; excessive; leftover; temporary retiring
exceder: to exceed; to surpass; to go beyond
excederse: to go too far; to go overboard