English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

exfoliar: to exfoliate
exhalación: exhalation; fume; vapour; bolt of lightning
exhalar: to exhale; to breathe out; to give; to utter; to give off
exhaustivo: exhaustive
exhausto: exhausted
exhibición: demonstration; exhibition; show off; screening; showing
exhibicionismo: exhibitionism; showing off; indecent exposure
exhibir: to exhibit; to show; to show off; to display; to produce
exhibirse: to be screened; to be shown; to show off
exhortación: exhortation; plea
exhortar: to urge; to exhort
exhumación: exhumation
exhumar: to exhume; to disinter; to dig up
exigencia: demand; exigency; requirement; fastidiousness
exigente: demanding; exacting; fastidious
exigir: to demand; to insist on; to require; to need; to exact
exiguo: tiny; meagre; meager; exiguous
exiliado: exiled; in exile
exiliar: to exile; to banish
exiliarse: to go into exile
exilio: exile
eximente: exempting; exonerating
eximio: eminent; most excellent
eximir: to exempt; to absolve
eximirse: to excuse oneself
existencia: existence; life; stock
existencial: existential
existencialismo: existentialism
existencialista: existentialist
existente: existing; present; extant; in stock
existir: to exist; to be
exitazo: big success
éxito: success; hit; issue; end
exitoso: successful
éxodo: exodus
exonerar: to exonerate; to unburden; to dismiss; to depose
exorbitancia: exorbitance
exorbitante: exorbitant
exorcismo: exorcism
exorcista: exorcist
exorcizar: to exorcize
exótico: exotic; foreign; odd; bizarre
exotismo: exoticism
expandir: to expand; to spread
expandirse: to expand; to spread
expansión: expansion; growth; recreation; relaxation
expansionarse: to expand; to unburden oneself; to open one's heart; to relax; to unwind
expansionismo: expansionism
expansionista: expansionist
expansivo: expansive; open; communicative; effusive
expatriación: expatriation

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