English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

fantoche: puppet; marionette; jackanapes; ridiculous sight
faquir: fakir
farándula: theater
faraón: pharaoh
faraónico: pharaonic; very big
fardar: to show off; to be cool
fardo: bundle; bale; package
farfullar: to gabble; to splutter; to stutter; to stumble through
faringe: pharynx
faringitis: sore throat; pharyngitis
fariseo: pharisee; hypocrite; hypocritical
farmacéutico: pharmaceutical; chemist; druggist; pharmacist; apothecary
farmacia: chemist's; pharmacy; drugstore
fármaco: drug; medicine
farmacología: pharmacology
faro: lighthouse; beacon; headlight; headlamp
farol: street lamp; street light; lantern; lamp; bluff; boaster; show-off
farola: street lamp; street light; lamppost; harbour beacon
farolear: to show off; to boast
farolero: showing off; boasting; lamplighter; show-off; boaster
farolillo: Chinese lantern; small lantern; heartseed; farolillo rojo: bottom team or player
farra: lavaret; spree; revelry
fárrago: mass; jumble; farrago; medley
farragoso: muddled; confused; disordered
farruco: cheeky; cocky; bold; fearless
farsa: farce; empty show; mockery; humbug
farsante: deceitful; impostor; fraud; farce player; hypocrite
fascículo: part; instalment; issue; fascicle
fascinación: fascination; bewitching; spell
fascinante: fascinating
fascinar: to fascinate; to captivate; to bewitch
fascismo: fascism
fascista: fascist
fase: phase; stage
fastidiado: ill
fastidiar: to spoil; to ruin; to break; to annoy; to bother; to disturb; to cloy; to sicken
fastidiarse: to be ruined; to go wrong; to break down; to put up with; to be disappointed
fastidio: nuisance; bother; annoyance; distaste; nausea; boredom
fastidioso: annoying; bothersome; irritating; cloying; tedious; tiresome
fastos: celebrations
fastuoso: lavish; sumptuous; splendid; pompous; magnificent
fatal: fatal; terrible; awful; inevitable; terribly; very badly; destructive; unpostponable
fatalidad: fate; destiny; misfortune; mischance; fatality
fatalismo: fatalism
fatídico: fateful; ominous; fatidic
fatiga: tiredness; fatigue; hard breathing; fatigas: hardships; troubles; difficulties; pains; anguish
fatigar: to tire; to weary; to fatigue; to annoy; to harass
fatigarse: to get weary; to get tired
fatigoso: tiring; fatiguing; wearisome; hard
fatuo: conceited; fatuous; half-witted
fauces: fauces; mouth; jaws

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