flecha: arrow; flèche; spire; sweepback; deflection; como una flecha: like a shot
flechazo: arrow wound; love at first sight
fleco: fringe; tassel; frayed edge; loose end
flema: phlegm; sang-froid; calmness; slowness
flemático: phlegmatic; imperturbable
flemón: gumboil; phlegmon
flequillo: fringe; bangs
fletar: to charter; to hire; to freight
flete: freightage; haulage; cargo; freight; fast horse
flexibilidad: flexibility
flexible: flexible; pliant; lithe; supple; cord; flex; soft hat
flexión: press-up; push-up; squat; inflection; flexion; bending
flexionar: to flex; to bend
flexo: adjustable reading lamp
flipar: to turn on; to send; to amaze; to have a great time
flirtear: to flirt
flirteo: flirtation
flojear: to slack; to weaken; to lose strength
flojera: lethargy; laxity; weakness; slackness; carelessness
flojo: loose; weak; poor; lazy; flaccid; light
flor: flower; blossom; bloom; cream; elite; floss; a card game; echar flores: to flatter
flora: flora
floración: flowering; florescence
floral: floral
floreado: flowery
florecer: to flower; to bloom; to blossom; to flourish; to prosper
floreciente: thriving; flourishing; flowering
florecimiento: flowering; prospering; flourishing
Florencia: Florence
florero: vase; flower pot; flower seller
florete: foil; fencing foil
floricultura: flower growing; floriculture
florido: full of flowers; flowery; florid; blossomy; florid; choice; select
florín: guilder; florin
florista: florist; flower seller
floristería: florist's
florituras: excessive ornamentation; floweriness
flota: fleet
flotación: flotation; floating
flotador: rubber ring; armband; float; floater; ballcock
flotante: floating
flotar: to float; to flutter; to flap; to wave
flote: flotation; a flote: afloat
flotilla: flotilla; small fleet
fluctuación: fluctuation; wavering
fluctuar: to fluctuate; to waver; to hesitate; to totter
fluidez: fluidity; fluency; fluidness; flowingness
fluido: fluid; free-flowing; fluent; power; electric current
fluir: to flow
flujo: flow; flux; incoming tide; discharge
flúor: fluorine; fluoride