English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

henchir: to fill; to fill up; to stuff
henchirse: to be filled; to stuff oneself
hender, hendir: to carve open; to cleave; to crack open; to cut through; to slice through
hendidura: cleft; crevice; crack, fissure; slit; slot
henna: henna
heno: hay
hepático: hepatic; hepatica; liverwort
hepatitis: hepatitis
heptágono: heptagon; heptagonal
heráldica: heraldry
heraldo: herald; harbinger
herbáceo: herbaceous
herbario: herbal; botanist; herbalist; herbarium; rumen
herbicida: weedkiller; herbicide
herbívoro: herbivore; herbivorous
herbolario: herbalist; scatterbrain
herboristería: herbalist's
hercio, hertzio: hertz
hercúleo: herculean
heredad: estate; country property
heredado: inherited
heredar: to inherit; to institute heir
heredera: heiress
heredero: heir; inheritor; inheriting
hereditario: hereditary
hereje: heretic; shameless person
herejía: heresy; insult; nonsense
herencia: inheritance; heritage; heredity
herético: heretical
herida: wound; injury; scar
herido: wounded; injured; hurt; casualty
herir: to injure; to wound; to hurt; to dazzle; to offend; to finger
herirse: to injure oneself
hermafrodita: hermaphrodite
hermana: sister
hermanado: united; twinned; matched; mated; like; uniform
hermanar: to unite; to reconcile; to twin; to join; to match; to mate; to harmonize; to make
brothers or sisters
hermanarse: to combine; to match; to harmonize; to become brothers or sisters
hermanastra: stepsister; half-sister
hermanastro: stepbrother; half-brother
hermandad: fraternity; brotherhood; sisterhood; correspondence; harmony; confraternity; guild
hermano: brother; sister; sibling
hermético: airtight; hermetic; impenetrable; secretive
hermoso: beautiful; lovely; fair; handsome; healthy
hermosura: beauty; fairness; loveliness; handsomeness; belle; beauty
hernia: hernia; rupture; hernia discal: slipped disc
herniado: ruptured; herniated
herniarse: to rupture oneself
héroe: hero
heroicidad: heroicity; heroism; heroic deed

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