English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

hidrológico: hydrological
hidromiel: mead; hydromel
hidropesía: dropsy
hidrópico: dropsical
hidroplano: seaplane
hidrosfera: hydrosphere
hidroterapia: hydrotherapy
hidróxido: hydroxide
hiedra: ivy
hiel: bile; gall; bitterness; asperity; rancour
hielera: ice bucket; refrigerator; fridge
hielo: ice; freezing; frost; reserve; coldness
hiena: hyena; brute
hierba: grass; herb; weed; herbage
hierbabuena: mint
hierbajo: weed
hiero, hiera: herir
hierro: iron; brand; steel; weapon
hiervo, hierva: hervir
hígado: liver; courage
higiene: hygiene; cleanliness; sanitation
higiénico: hygienic
higienista: hygienist
higienizar: to sanitate
higo: fig; de higos a brevas: once in a while; higo chumbo: prickly pear
higuera: fig tree
hija: daughter
hijastra: stepdaughter
hijastro: stepson
hijo: son; child; native; young; offspring; fruit; result; junior
hilachos: rags
hilado: spun; spinning; yarn; thread
hilandera: woman spinner
hilandero: spinner
hilar: to spin
hilarante: hilarious; laughable; laughing
hilaridad: hilarity
hilas: lint
hilera: row; file; line; ridgepole; spinnerets
hilillo: small thread; trickle
hilo: thread; yarn; linen; fibre; grain; direction; current; thin wire; wire thread; trickle; hilo
musical: Muzak
hilván: basting; tacking
hilvanar: to baste; to tack; to put together; to draw up
himen: hymen
himno: hymn; himno nacional: national anthem
hincapié: hacer hincapié en: to insist upon
hincar: to stick; to introduce; to drive; to plant; hincar la rodilla: to go down on one's knee
hincarse: hincarse de rodillas: to kneel down
hincha: supporter; hatred; enmity; dislike
hinchada: fans; supporters

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