humedecer: to wet; to dampen; to humidify; to moisten; to wet
humedecerse: to become damp
húmedo: damp; wet; humid; moist
húmero: humerus
humidificador: humidifier
humildad: humility; humbleness; lowliness
humilde: humble; poor; lowly; meek; submissive
humillación: humiliation; humbling
humillante: humiliating
humillar: to humiliate; to humble; to abase; to crush; to lower to bow one's head
humillarse: to lower oneself; to humble oneself
humo: smoke; vapour; vapor; steam; fume; humos: conceit; pride; vanity; bajar a uno los
humos: to humble someone's pride
humor: mood; temper; humour
humorismo: humour; humor; comedy
humorista: humorous; comedian; humorist
humorístico: humorous; jocular; funny
humus: humus
hundido: sunken; depressed
hundimiento: sinking; collapse; cave-in; foundering; collapse; downfall; ruin
hundir: to sink; to submerge; to plunge; to founder; to cave in; to stave in; to drive in; to
confound; to confute; to crush; to destroy; to ruin; to plant; to devastate
hundirse: to sink; to collapse; to lose heart; to be ruined
húngaro: Hungarian
Hungría: Hungary
huracán: hurricane
huracanado: hurricane-like
huraño: unsociable; sullen
hurgar: to rummage; to poke; to stir
hurgarse: hurgarse la nariz: to pick one's nose
hurón: ferret; sullen; unsociable
hurra: hurray; hurrah
hurtadillas: a hurtadillas: slyly; on the sly
hurtar: to steal; to thieve; to pilfer; to cheat; to plagiarize; to move away
hurto: pilfering; stealing; theft; pilferage
húsar: hussar
husmear: to sniff; to snoop; to pry out; to nose out; to scent; to wind
huso: spindle; narrow lozenge; drum of a windlass; huso horario: time zone
huy: ouch; wow; phew
huyo, huya, huyera: huir