English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

inaugurar: to inaugurate; to open; to unveil
inca: Inca; a gold Peruvian coin
incaico: Inca
incalculable: incalculable
incalificable: unspeakable; very bad
incandescente: incandescent
incansable: tireless; indefatigable; untiring
incapacidad: inability; disability; handicap; incompetence; stupidity
incapacitado: incapacitated; incapable; unfit
incapacitar: to incapacitate; to disqualify; to disable; to declare incapable
incapaz: incapable; unable; unfit
incautarse: to seize
incauto: unsuspecting; naive; gullible; unwary; innocent
incendiar: to set on fire; to burn down
incendiarse: to catch fire; to be burnt
incendiario: incendiary; arsonist
incendio: fire; conflagration; passion
incensario: censer; incensory; thurible
incentivar: to encourage with money; to offer incentives; to boost
incentivo: incentive; inducement
incertidumbre: uncertainty; doubt
incesante: incessant; continuous; ; unceasing; continual
incesto: incest
incestuoso: incestuous
incidencia: incident; incidence; influence; effect
incidente: incident; incidental
incidir: to have an effect on; to fall upon
incienso: incense
incierto: uncertain; doubtful; false; untrue
incineración: incineration; cremation
incinerar: to incinerate; to burn; to cremate
incipiente: incipient
incisión: incision; cut
incisivo: incisive; cutting; sarcastic; incisor
inciso: cut; incised; parenthetic sentence
incitar: to incite
inclemencia: inclemency; unmercifulness; harshness
inclemente: inclement
inclinación: bow; inclination; slope; bent; tendency; nod; obeisance
inclinar: to tilt; to incline; to slant; to bow; to dispose; to move
inclinarse: to incline; ; to tilt; to lean; to be inclined
incluido: included
incluir: to include; to enclose
inclusive: inclusive; inclusively
incluso: even; including; included; enclosed
incógnita: unknown quantity
incógnito: unknown; incognito; anonymity
incoherencia: incoherence; disconnectedness
incoherente: incoherent; disconnected
incoloro: colourless; colorless
incólume: unshaken; unharmed; sound; safe; whole

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