incorpóreo: incorporeal
incorrección: mistake; incorrectness; discourtesy
incorrecto: wrong; incorrect; rude
incorregible: incorrigible
incorruptible: incorruptible
incorrupto: uncorrupted; incorrupt
incredulidad: incredulity; unbelief
incrédulo: incredulous; unbelieving; unbeliever; disbeliever; sceptic; skeptic
increíble: incredible; unbelievable
incrementar: to increase
incrementarse: to increase
incremento: increment; increase; growth
increpar: to reprimand; to tell off; to insult; to upbraid
incriminar: to incriminate; to charge
incruento: bloodless
incrustación: inlay; inlay; incrustation; encrusting
incrustado: set in; encrusted
incrustar: to incrust; to inlay
incrustarse: to become embedded
incubación: incubation
incubadora: incubator
incubar: to incubate; to hatch
incubarse: to incubate
incuestionable: unquestionable
inculcar: to instil; to instill; to inculcate
inculpar: to charge; to inculpate; to blame
inculto: uneducated; incult; uncultivated; untilled; illiterate
incultura: ignorance; lack of culture
incumbencia: duty; responsibility; incumbency; concern
incumbir: to be incumbent
incumplimiento: unfulfilment; nonexecution; breach
incumplir: to break; to fail to fulfil; to fail to observe
incurable: incurable; hopeless
incurrir: to incur; to become liable to; to commit
incursión: incursion; raid; foray
indagar: to investigate; to search; to inquire
indebido: wrong; undue; improper; illegal; illicit
indecente: indecent; improper; filthy; low; dirty
indecisión: indecision; irresolution
indeciso: indecisive; irresolute; undecided; hesitant
indecoroso: indecorous; improper; indecent
indefectible: inevitable; indefectible; uncertain
indefenso: defenceless; helpless
indefinido: indefinite; unlimited; indefinable; vague
indeleble: indelible; ineffaceable
indemne: unharmed; unhurt; undamaged
indemnización: compensation; indemnity; indemnification
indemnizar: to compensate; to indemnify
independencia: independence
independiente: independent
independizar: to grant independence to