inventar: to invent; to make up
inventarse: to invent; to make up
inventario: inventory; hacer inventario: to do the stocktaking
inventiva: inventiveness; creativity
invento: invention
inventor: inventor; inventing; inventive
invernadero: greenhouse; hothouse; winter quarters
invernal: winter; wintry; hibernal; hiemal
invernar: to hibernate; to winter; to spend the winter
inverosímil: unlikely; implausible; improbable
inversión: investment; inversion
inversionista: investor
inverso: inverse; opposite; inverted
inversor: investor; reverser; inversing; reversing
invertebrado: invertebrate; disjointed
invertido: reversed; inverted; opposite; invert; homosexual
invertir: to reverse; to turn upside down; to invest; to spend; to invert; to put in
investidura: investiture
investigación: investigation; inquiry; research
investigador: researcher; investigator
investigar: to research; to investigate; to do research
investir: to invest
inveterado: deep-rooted; inveterate; confirmed
inviable: impractical; unviable; non-viable
invicto: unbeaten; unconquered; unvanquished
invidente: blind person; sightless person
invierno: winter
invierto: invertir
invisibilidad: invisibility
invisible: invisible
invitación: invitation
invitado: guest; invited
invitar: to invite; to pay; to ash
invocar: to invoke
involucrar: to involve
involucrarse: to get involved
involuntario: involuntary; unintentional
invulnerable: invulnerable
inyección: injection
inyectar: to inject
inyectarse: to inject oneself; to take drugs intravenously
iodo: iodine
ion: ion
IPC: índice de precios al consumo: RPI
ir: to go; to work; to look like; to be about; to be convenient; to fit; to suit; to become; to lead; to
extend; to bet; to lay; to wager; to happen; to be at stake; to concern; to affect; to elapse; to leave;
to frequent; to attend; ir para largo: to take time
irse: to go; to leave; to slip; to be dying
ira: anger; rage; fury; wrath
iracundo: angry; irate; irascible; wrathful