merino: merino; thick and curly hair; formerly, a royal judge; head shepherd
mérito: merit; value; worth; desert; excellence
meritorio: commendable; praiseworthy; meritorious; office trainer; improver
merluza: hake; drunken fit
merluzo: idiot
merma: reduction; decrease; waste; loss; leakage; shrinkage; curtailment
mermar: to diminish; to lessen; to reduce; to decrease; to shrink; to curtail
mermarse: to diminish; to decrease
mermelada: jam; mermelada de naranja: marmalade
mero: mere; pure; simple; grouper
merodear: to prowl; to loiter; to maraud
mes: month; monthly salary
mesa: table; food; fare; cheer; desk; plateau; board; committee; panel; mesa redonda: round
mesada: allowance; pocket money; work surface
mesana: mizzen sail; mizzenmast
mesera: waitress
mesero: waiter
meseta: tableland; plateau; landing
mesías: Messiah
mesilla: small table; mesilla de noche: bedside table
mesita: small table
mesón: inn; old, country style restaurant and bar; hostelry; tavern; roadhouse
mesonero: innkeeper; host; hostess; waiter; waitress
mester: art; trade; mester de clerecía: verse of clerics in the Middle Ages
mestizo: half-caste; cross-bred; mongrel; half-breed
mesura: moderation; restraint; courtesy; composure; politeness; deference
meta: finishing line; goal; aim; purpose
metabólico: metabolic
metabolismo: metabolism
metadona: methadone
metafase: metaphase
metafísica: metaphysics
metafísico: metaphysical; metaphysician
metáfora: metaphor
metafórico: metaphoric; metaphorical
metal: metal; brass; latten; timbre; quality; nature
metálico: metallic; metal; en metálico: in cash
metalizado: metallic
metalurgia: metallurgy
metalúrgico: metallurgical; metallurgic
metamorfosis: metamorphosis; transformation
metano: methane
metedura de pata: clanger; bloomer; blunder
meteorito: meteorite
meteoro: meteor
meteorología: meteorology
meteorológico: meteorologic; meteorological
meteorólogo: meteorologist; weatherman
metepatas: blunderer
meter: to put; to place; to insert; to introduce; to put in; to fit in; to squeeze in; to give; to score;