English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

modesto: modest
módico: modest; moderate; reasonable
modificar: to modify
modificarse: to alter; to change; to modify
modillón: modillion; bracket
modismo: idiom
modista: dressmaker; modiste
modisto: designer; couturier
modo: way; manner; moderation; temperance; mode; mood; modos: manners
modorra: drowsiness; heaviness; gid
modoso: well-mannered; quite; well-behaved
modulación: modulation
modulador: modulator; modulating
modular: to modulate; modular
módulo: module; modulus
mofa: mockery; jeer; scoff; sneer
mofarse: to mock; to jeer; to scoff; to sneer
mofeta: skunk; mofette; chokedamp; noxious emanation
mofler: silencer; muffler
moflete: chubby cheek
mofletudo: chubby-cheeked
mogollón: loads; rumpus
mohair: mohair
mohín: face; grimace; pouting
mohíno: sad; melancholy; worried; displeased; glum; miserable; annoyed; hinny; blue magpie
moho: mould; mildew; rust; must; verdigris; rustiness
mohoso: mouldy; moldy; mildewed; musty; rusty
moisés: Moses basket
mojado: wet
mojama: dry salted tunny-fish
mojar: to wet; to dip; to moisten; to drench; to soak; to stab; to fuck
mojarse: to get wet; to get involved
mojicón: slap; punch in the face; small cake; bun
mojigato: prudish; straitlaced; prude; sanctimonious
mojón: boundary marker; boundary stone; landmark; waymark; milestone; pile; heap
moka: moca
molar: molar; to like
molde: mould; mold; matrix; cast; pattern; frame; model; ideal; form
moldeador: soft perm
moldear: to cast; to shape; to mould; to mold; to style
moldura: moulding; molding; cornice; frame
mole: mass; bulk; chilli and tomato sauce; soft
molécula: molecule
molecular: molecular
moler: to grind; to crush; to pound; to mill; to mince; to fatigue; to tire out; to wear out; to spoil;
to destroy; to bore; to importunate; moler a palos: to beat up
molestar: to disturb; to bother; to be a nuisance; to annoy; to displease; to offend
molestarse: to be offended; to bother; to take the trouble to
molestia: nuisance; vexation; annoyance; disturbance; inconvenience; trouble; discomfort;
molesto: annoying; vexatious; troublesome; bothersome; annoyed; displeased; uncomfortable; ill

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