monte: mountain; mount; hill; woods; woodland; talon; stock; monte; bank
montepío: friendly society; benefit society; pension fund
montera: bullfighter's hat; cloth cap; skylight; moonsail
montería: hunting; chase; big game
montés: mountain; wild
montevideano: inhabitant of Montevideo
montículo: mound; hillock
monto: total cost; amount
montón: heap; pile; lot; crowd; great quantity; ser del montón: to be common
montura: mount; saddle; gear; frame; setting; mounting; assembling
monumental: monumental; magnificent; tremendous
monumento: monument; stunner
monzón: monsoon
moña: ribbon; badge on the bull's neck
moño: bun; chignon; knot of ribbons; tuft of feathers; frippery; estar hasta el moño de: to be
sick of death of
moquear: to have a runny nose; to snivel
moqueta: fitted carpet; moquette
moquillo: distemper; pip
mora: blackberry; mulberry; brambleberry; Moorish woman; delay
morada: dwelling; adobe; house; stay; sojourn
morado: purple; mulberry; bruise
morador: inhabitant; dweller; resident
moradura: bruise
moraga: party at the beach; handful of gleaned grain
moral: moral; morality; morale; mulberry tree
moraleja: moral
moralidad: morality; morals
moralista: moralist; moralistic
moralizador: moralist; moralistic
moralizar: to moralize
morapio: red wine; plonk
morar: to dwell; to live; to inhabit; to reside
moratón: bruise
moratoria: moratorium
mórbido: delicate; soft; morbid
morbo: morbid pleasure; illness
morbosidad: morbidity; morbid nature
morboso: morbid; ghoulish; unwholesome; diseased
morcilla: black pudding; blood sausage; gag
mordacidad: pointedness; sharpness; mordacity; mordancy
mordaz: caustic; biting; sharp; acerbic; pungent; acrid; corrosive
mordaza: gag; pipe wrench; clamp; jaw
mordedor: teething ring; biter; backbiter; biting; backbiting
mordedura: bite
morder: to bite; to eat into; to nibble at; to take hold of; to gnaw; to eat; to wear away; to
morderse: morderse la lengua: to bite one's tongue
mordida: bribe
mordiscar: to nibble at; to bite
modisco: bite