English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

moza: girl; lass; maid; waitress; mistress; concubine; wash beetle; last or winning game
mozalbete: boy; lad; young fellow
mozárabe: Mozarabic; Mozarab
mozo: young; youthful; single; unmarried; manservant; hand; waiter; porter; assistant; conscript
mu: no decir ni mu: not to say a word
muaré: moiré
mucama: maid; female servant
muchacha: girl; maid
muchacho: young; boy; lad; manservant
muchedumbre: crowd; multitude
mucho: much; very much; a great deal; a lot; dearly; hard; abundantly; often; long; longtime;
many; lots of
mucosa: mucous membrane
mucosidad: mucus; mucosity
muda: change of clothes; change; alteration; moulting; molting; moulting season; sloughing
mudable: changeable; fickle; inconstant
mudanza: change; alteration; mutation; move; removal; moving; figure; motion; inconstancy
mudar: to change; to alter; to convert; to move; to remove; to moult; to molt; to shed
mudarse: to move; to change; to leave; to go away
mudéjar: Mudejar; Muslim who swore allegiance to the Christian monarchs
mudez: dumbness
mudo: dumb; silent; mute
mueble: piece of furniture; cabinet; movable; muebles: furniture
mueca: grin; grimace; face
muela: back tooth; molar; grinder; grindstone; millstone; knoll; flat-topped hill; flat pea
muellaje: wharfage
muelle: spring; wharf; quay; pier; freight platform; loading bay; soft; delicate; easy; luxurious
muérdago: mistletoe
muerdo, muerda: morder
muermo: bore; drowsiness; glanders
muero, muera: morir
muerte: death; end; homicide; murder
muerto: dead; faded; dull; exhausted; tired out; slacked; bursting; perished; echar el muerto a :
to pass the buck
muesca: groove; slot; notch; nick; indentation; mortise
muestra: sample; sign; model; pattern; show; token; guide; exhibition
muestrario: collection of samples; sample book
muestreo: sampling
muestro: mostrar
muevo, mueva, mueve: mover
mugido: moo; low; lowing
mugir: to low; to moo; to roar; to bellow
mugre: grime; greasy dirt
mugriento: filthy; grimy; greasy; dirty
mujer: woman; wife
mujeriego: womanizer; lady-killer; fond of woman; womanly
mujerzuela: despicable woman; strumpet
mújol: mullet
mula: mule; she-mule; stupid fellow
muladar: dungheap; dunghill; filth; corruption
mulato: mulatto

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