English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

narigudo: big-nosed
nariz: nose; nostril; bouquet; nose-shaped catch for a latch
narración: narrative; story; narration
narrador: narrator
narrar: to recount; to tell; to narrate; to relate
narrativa: narrative; narration
narrativo: narrative
nasal: nasal
nata: cream; skin
natación: swimming; natation
natal: native; natal; home; birth; of one's birth
natalicio: birthday; nativity
natalidad: birth rate; natality
natillas: custard
Natividad: nativity; Christmas; Yuletide
nativo: native; natal; vernacular; born; inborn; naturalborn
nato: born; ex officio
natural: natural; flesh; native; nature; artless; ingenious; disposition
naturaleza: nature; constitution; character; sort; kind; description; nationality; naturaleza
muerta: still life
naturalidad: naturalness; nationality
naturalismo: naturalism
naturalista: naturalist; naturalistic
naturalizar: to naturalize; to grant citizenship to
naturalizarse: to become naturalized
naturalmente: of course
naturismo: nudism; naturism
naturista: naturist; naturopath
naufragar: to sink; to be wrecked; to be shipwrecked; to fail; to founder
naufragio: shipwreck; failure; run; disaster
náufrago: castaway; shipwrecked; wrecked
náusea: nausea; sickness; qualmishness; disgust; dar náuseas: to make sick; to disgust
nauseabundo: nauseating; sickening; loathsome; nauseating
náutica: navigation; seamanship; nautics
náutico: nautical; water
navaja: penknife; jackknife; tusk; razor shell; razor clam
navajazo: stab with a clasp knife
navajero: criminal who carries a knife
naval: naval
Navarra: Navarre
navarro: Navarrese
nave: ship; vessel; craft; shop; plant; large hall or division in a building; warehouse; nave
navegable: navigable
navegación: sailing; navigation; sea voyage
navegante: navigator; seafarer; seafaring
navegar: to sail; to fly; to navigate; to go about
Navidad: Christmas; Yule; Yuletide
navideño: Christmas
naviera: shipping company
naviero: shipping; shipowner
navío: large ship

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