nudismo: nudism
nudista: nudist
nudo: knot; noose; hitch; bond; tie; link; tangle; difficulty; burl; gnarl; crux; heart; development;
junction; node; joint; nudo corredizo: slipknot
nudoso: knotty; gnarled
nuera: daughter-in-law
nuestro: our; of ours; ours
nueva: news
nuevamente: again
nueve: nine; ninth
nuevo: new; novel; fresh; newly arrived; novice; beginner; further
nuez: walnut; nut; Adam's apple; nuez moscada: nutmeg
nulidad: nullity; inability; incompetence; uselessness
nulo: void; useless; hopeless; null; nonexistent; incapable; incompetent
numeración: numeration; numbering; numerical order; system of notation
numerador: numerator; numberer
numeral: number; numeral
numerar: to numerate; to enumerate; to number
numerario: full; permanent; numerary; cash; coin; specie
numérico: numerical
número: number; numeral; figure; issue; item; size; act
numeroso: numerous; many; large; harmonious
numismática: numismatics
nunca: never; ever
nupcial: nuptial; hymeneal
nupcias: wedding; marriage; nuptials
nutria: otter; otter-fur
nutrición: nutrition; filling; increasing
nutrido: nourished; full; abundant; large
nutrir: to feed; to nourish; to supply; to fill; to increase
nutrirse: to feed
nutritivo: nourishing; nutritious; nutritive
nylon: nylon