operador: operator; projectionist; cameraman
operar: to operate on; to bring about; to operate
operario: worker; workman; operator; operative
opereta: operetta; light opera
opinable: debatable
opinar: to give an opinion; to think; to judge; to opine
opinión: opinion; view
opio: opium
opíparo: sumptuous; plentiful
oponente: opponent
oponer: to oppose; to offer; to put up
oponerse: to be opposed; to be the opposite; to go against
oporto: port wine
oportunidad: opportunity; timing; oportunidades: bargains section
oportunista: opportunist
oportuno: timely; opportune; suitable; appropriate; witty
oposición: opposition; competitive examination
opresión: oppression; constriction; pressing
opresivo: oppressive
opresor: oppressive; oppressor
oprimido: oppressed
oprimir: to press; to push; to pinch; to oppress; to weigh down
oprobio: opprobrium; ignominy; disgrace
optar: to opt; to decide; to choose
optativo: optional; optative
óptica: optics; optician's; point of view; perspective
óptico: optic; optical; optician
optimismo: optimism
optimista: optimist; sanguine
óptimo: optimum; optimal; best
opuesto: opposed; opposite; contrary; adverse
opulencia: opulence
opulento: opulent
opuse, opusiera: oponer
oquedad: hollow; cavity; hole; hollowness
ora: now; then; whether
oración: prayer; orison; oration; discourse; sentence; clause; dusk; sunset
oráculo: oracle
orador: orator; speaker
oral: oral
orangután: orang-utang
orar: to pray
orate: lunatic; madman
oratoria: oratory; speaking
orbe: orb; sphere; the earth; the world
órbita: orbit; sphere; field; eye-socket
orca: orca; killer whale
órdago: fantastic; dreadful; swell; grand; excellent
orden: order; class; degree; array; respect; relation; nature
ordenación: ordering; placing in order; order; arrangement; command; ordination
ordenador: computer; ordering; arranging; ordaining; orderer; arranger; ordainer; auditor;