oscurecer: to obscure; to darken; to make darker; to obscure; to cast a shadow over; to
oscurecerse: to cloud over; to become cloudy; to get darker
oscuridad: darkness; gloom; obscurity
oscuro: dark; overcast; dull; obscure; suspicious; shady; uncertain
ósculo: kiss; osculum
óseo: osseous; bone
osera: den of bears
osezno: bear cub
osificarse: to become ossified; to ossify
osito: teddy
osmio: osmium
ósmosis: osmosis
osos: bear; oso hormiguero: anteater
ostensible: ostensible; visible; manifest
ostentación: ostentation; show; parade; display; exhibition
ostentar: to parade; to display; to show; to make ostentation of; to exhibit; to manifest
ostentoso: ostentatious; sumptuous
ostión: large oyster; scallop
ostra: oyster; ostras: wow; gosh; holy cow
ostracismo: ostracism
otear: to survey; to scan; to watch closely; to observe; to spy; to search; to examine
otero: hillock; knoll; buttle; height
otitis: inflammation of the inner ear; otitis
otoñal: autumnal; autumn; fall
otoño: autumn; fall
otorgar: to grant; to give; to award; to consent; to confer; to execute
otorrino, otorrinolaringólogo: ear, nose and throat specialist
otro: another; other
ovación: ovation
ovacionar: to give an ovation to
ovalado: oval
óvalo: oval
ovario: ovary; ovarium
oveja: sheep; ewe
ovetense: inhabitant of Oviedo
ovillo: ball
ovino: sheep
ovíparo: oviparous
ovni: UFO
ovoide: ovoid
ovulación: ovulation
ovular: to ovulate
óvulo: ovule; ovum
oxidado: rusty
oxidar: to rust; to oxidize
oxidarse: to become rusty; to rust
óxido: oxide; rust
oxigenado: oxygenated; bleached
oxigenar: to oxygenate; to oxygenize