panamericano: Pan-American
panavisión: film technique using sixty-five millimetre film
pancarta: banner; placard; parchment containing several documents
panceta: belly pork; bacon
pancho: calm; spawn of the sea bream; hot dog
pancito: bread roll
páncreas: pancreas
pancreático: pancreatic
panda: panda
pandereta: tambourine; silly remark
pandero: large tambourine; timbrel; backside; silly talker
pandilla: group; crowd; gang; set; company; faction
panecillo: bread roll
panegírico: panegyrical; panegyric
panel: panel; notice board; bulletin board; dashboard; removable floor board
panera: breadbasket; breadbin; granary
pánfilo: slow; sluggish; sluggard; dimwit; moron
panfletario: propagandistic
panfleto: pamphlet
pánico: panic; panicky
paniego: wheat-producing
panificadora: bakery
panizo: millet; panic grass; Indian corn
panocha: ear of corn; panicle; bunch
panocho: inhabitant of Murcia
panoja: ear of corn; panicle
panoli: simple; dimwit
panoplia: panoply; suit of armour; a warrior's arms; wall trophy; study of ancient weapons
panorama: panorama; view; outlook
panorámica: panorama; view
panorámico: panoramic
panqueque: pancake
pantagruélico: enormous; Pantagruelian
pantaletas: panties; knickers; underpants
pantalla: screen; lampshade; fireguard; front; baffle; anything that obstructs the view
pantalón, pantalones: trousers; breeches; pantlets
pantano: swamp; marsh; reservoir; small lake or natural pond; obstacle; hindrance
pantanoso: swampy; marshy; difficult
panteísmo: pantheism
panteón: pantheon; cemetery; family tomb
pantera: panther; yellow agate
panti: tights; pantyhose
pantomima: mime; pretence; pantomime; dumb show
pantorrilla: calf
pantufla: slipper
panty: panti
panza: belly; potbelly; paunch; rumen
panzada: belly flop; bellyfull
panzudo: potbellied; paunchy; big-bellied
pañal: nappy; diaper; swaddling cloth; tail of shirt
paño: woollen cloth; woolen cloth; cloth; duster; tapestry; blur in a mirror; stretch of a wall;