pedagogía: pedagogy; teaching
pedagógico: pedagogical; teaching
pedagogo: pedagogue; educationalist
pedal: pedal; treadle
pedalear: to pedal
pedaleo: pedalling
pedante: pedant; pedantic
pedantería: pedantry
pedazo: piece; fragment; bit
pedernal: flint; flintiness; extreme hardness
pedestal: pedestal; base; foot
pedestre: pedestrian; ordinary
pediatra: paediatrician; pediatrician
pediatría: paediatrics; pediatrics
pedicurista, pedicuro: chiropodist; podiatrist
pedida: proposal of marriage
pedido: order; request; petition; ordered; requested
pedigrí: pedigree
pedigüeño: persistent in asking or begging; beggar; importunate asker
pedir: to ask; to ask for; to beg; to request; to ask in marriage; to order; to wish; to desire; to call
for; to need; to demand; to beg; to collect
pedo: fart; sloshed; high
pedorreta: disapproving sound; raspberry
pedrada: throw of a stone; hit or blow with a stone
pedrea: small prizes in lottery; throwing of stones; fight with stones; fall of hail
pedregal: stony ground
pedregoso: stony; full of stones
pedrería: jewelry; precious stones
pedrisco: hail; hailstorm
pedrusco: stone; boulder; rough or uncut stone
pega: objection; drawback; glue; sticking together; pitch varnish; de pega: fake; sham; worthless
pegadizo: catchy; contagious; infectious; sticky; adhesive; sponging; false
pegado: glued; stuck; patch; sticking plaster
pegajosidad: stickiness; glutinosity
pegajoso: sticky; clammy; glutinous; viscous; catching; contagious; mushy
pegamento: glue
pegar: to stick; to glue; to cement; to join; to attach; to fasten; ; to bring close; to infect with; to
give; to deal; to deliver; to beat; to give; to take; to put up; to sew on; to go well
pegarse: to stick; to become stuck; to adhere; to cling; to keep close; to burn; to join unasked; to
be infectious; to come to blows
pegatina: sticker
pego: cheating by sticking two card together; dar el pego: to cheat; to deceive
pegote: blob; pitch plaster; sticking plaster; coarse patch; sticky mess; fib; sponger; parasite
peinado: hairstyle; hairdressing; hairdo; coiffure; combing
peinar: to comb; to brush
peinarse: to comb; to do or dress one's hair
peine: comb; card; reed of the loom; cartridge clip; sly fellow; magazine
peineta: comb for wearing in the hair; back comb
pejiguera: nuisance; pain; bother
pejiguero: annoying; complainer; moaner
Pekín: Beijing