petimetre: dandy; fox; coxcomb; dude
petirrojo: robin; redbreast
petisú: éclair
peto: bib; dungarees; breastplate; plastron; mattress covering to protect horses
petrel: petrel
pétreo: stony; of stone; rocky
petrificado: petrified
petrificar: to petrify; to turn to stone
petróleo: petroleum; mineral oil; kerosene
petrolero: oil; oil tanker
petrolífero: oil; petroliferous; oil-bearing
petroquímica: petrochemistry
petroquímico: petrochemical
petulancia: conceitedness; insolence; pertness; flippancy; presumptuousness
petulante: conceited; insolent; pert; flippant; presumptuous
petunia: petunia
peyorativo: pejorative
pez: fish; pitch; tar; pez de colores: goldfish; pez gordo: big shot
pezón: nipple; stem; stalk; umbo
pezuña: hoof; cloven-hoof
piadoso: pious; godly; merciful; compassionate
pianista: pianist; piano manufacturer
piano: piano; piano piano: take it easy; piano de cola: grand piano
pianola: pianola
piante: peeping; chirping; moaner
piar: to peep; to chirp; to cheep; to tweet; to cry for
piara: herd of swine, mares or mules
piastra: piaster
pibe: kid
pica: pike; lance; goad; stonecutter's hammer; pica; picas: spades
picacho: peak
picada: sting; bite; peck; path; trail; dive
picadero: riding school; manege
picadillo: dish of fried minced meat, bacon and eggs; salad with peppers, onions and tomato;
chopped food
picado: minced; ground; chopped; cut; vinegary; decayed; pockmarked; moth-eaten; offended;
piqued; hurt; cut; choppy; dive; diving; staccato
picador: picador; mounted bullfighter who goads the bull; horsebreaker; face worker; chopping
picadora: mincer
picadura: sting; bite; prick; cavity; pinking; cut tobacco; small hole; beginning of decay
picaflor: humming bird
picajoso: touchy; peevish
picamaderos: woodpecker
picana: electric prod; cattle prod
picante: hot; pungent; piquant; spicy; highly seasoned; saucy; racy; biting; cutting; piquancy;
pungency; mordacity
picapedrero: stonemason; stonecutter
picapleitos: pettifogger; hack lawyer; litigious fellow
picaporte: door handle; door knocker; thumb latch; spring latch; latchkey
picar: to mince; to grind; to chop; to sting; to bite; to peck at; to punch; to goad; to decay; to rot;