English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pistacho: pistachio
pistilo: pistil
pisto: ratatouille; hodgepodge; airs; money; cash
pistola: pistol; spray gun; pistole
pistolera: holster
pistolero: gunman
pistoletazo: pistol shot
pistón: piston; percussion cap; key
pita: agave; hen; booing; pita; glass marble; unleavened round bread
pitada: whistle; toot; honk; booing; whistling; puff
pitanza: portion; food; dole; ration; daily food; price; stipend
pitar: to whistle; to sound a horn; to boo; to work; to referee
pitido: whistle; whistling
pitillera: cigarette case; cigarette maker
pitillo: cigarette
pito: whistle; catcall; jackstone; horn; cigarette; woodpecker; prick; me importa un pito: I don't
care a damn
pitón: python; budding horn; tip of bull's horn; small pointed protuberance
pitonisa: fortune teller; witch; pythoness
pitorrearse: to make fun of
pitorreo: making fun; teasing; joking
pitorro: spout
pitote: hubbub; commotion
pitufo: cartoon character with blue skin and a white cap; little child
pituitaria: pituitary
pituso: cute; tiny; graceful; little child
pívot: pivot
pivotar: to pivot
pivote: pivot
pixel: pixel
píxide: pyx
piyama: pyjamas; pajamas
pizarra: slate; shale; blackboard; whiteboard
pizarral: slate quarry
pizarrín: slate pencil
pizarrón: blackboard
pizca: tiny amount; bit; jot; whit
pizpireta: outgoing; brisk; lively; smart
pizza: pizza
pizzería: pizzeria
placa: plaque; plate; sheet; badge; hotplate; solar panel; radiator
placaje: tackle
placar: to tackle; closet
pláceme: congratulation
placenta: placenta
placentero: pleasant; joyful; agreeable
placer: pleasure; enjoyment; delight; content; will, consent; large flat bank in sea bed; placer;
pearl-fishing; to please; to gratify; to content
placidez: placidness; placidity
plácido: placid; quiet; peaceful; clam; agreeable
plafón: panel; ceiling rose; ceiling light; soffit

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