popote: drinking straw
populachero: common; vulgar; populist
populacho: common herd; masses; populace; mob; rabble
popular: popular; colloquial; folk; working-class; people's
popularidad: popularity
popularizar: to popularize
popularizarse: to become popular
populismo: populism
populista: populist
populoso: populous
popurrí: potpourri
póquer: poker
por: by; for; as; along; around; across; through; from out of; at; in; on; to; however; no matter
how; por aquí: around here; por casualidad: by chance; por compasión: out of pity; por Dios:
for heaven's sake; por escrito: in writing; por la noche: at night; por favor: please; por lo
tanto: therefore; por qué: why
porcelana: china; porcelain
porcentaje: percentage
porche: porch; portico; covered walk; arcade
porcino: porcine; pig; little pig
porción: portion; slice; share; part; allotment; quantity
pordiosero: beggar; begging; mendicant
porfía: stubbornness; obstinacy; insistence; importunity; dispute; argument
porfiado: stubborn; obstinate; insistent; persistent; importunate
porfiar: to argue stubbornly; to keep on; to persevere; to insist; to persist
pormenor: detail; particular
pormenorizar: to describe in detail; to go into detail; to itemize
porno: porno; porn
pornografía: pornography
pornográfico:: pornographic
poro: pore
porosidad: porosity
poroso: porous
poroto: bean
porque: because
porqué: reason; motive; quantity; amount
porquería: filth; dirt; rubbish; garbage; poor food; trifle; worthless thing; dirty trick
porqueriza: pigsty; pigpen
porquerizo: pig keeper; swineherd
porquero: pig keeper; swineherd
porra: stick; baton; truncheon; nightstick; bludgeon; club; maul; bore; nuisance; large fried twist
of batter eaten hot; mandar a la porra: to send to the devil
porrada: blow; stupidity; nonsense; lot; heap; great quantity or number
porrazo: blow; bump; knock
porrillo: abundantly; in abundance
porro: joint; stupid fellow; dolt
porrón: kind of wine bottle with a long side spout; slow; heavy; sluggish; a lot
portaaviones: aircraft carrier
portada: cover; title page; front page; sleeve; façade; frontispiece
portador: carrying; carrier; bearer
portaequipaje: boot; trunk; luggage rack