Drawing lessons - illustrated lesson notes for teachers and students

(Barré) #1

part two - shadows


TIME: Allow 40min

Aim: To introduce reflected light and its effect on shadows and shading. To develop the use of
shading for a textural effect.

Materials: The sketch pad, HB and 4B pencil, eraser

Allow five minutes to for the quick sketch
test. Two minutes to do and three to mark.
Swap, display and title if necessary.

a) Without using the ruler (or any other straight edge) prepare the page with margin and add the
freehand boxes as shown previously.

While the students are thus occupied hand out these prepared theory sheets.
Sitting in the garden I asked a person if the shadow cast by a tree would be lighter on a sunny day,
than it would, at a similar time, on a cloudy day.
'Does it really matter?' he shrugged, as he poured himself another glass of my most expensive
imported red.
'That depends.' I replied, 'one day you might want to paint a shadow.'

'The grisaille legacy' .......
'I met a man of black and white who had sadly lost his way.
Wringing his hands, he said to me, "but all I see is grey".'

http://www.geocities.com/~jlhagan/K9-14/part_two2_shadows.htm (1 von 5) [08.12.2002 12:42:13]

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