Painting tecnique and computer graphics -2
Combining computer technology and principles of painting.
I quickly separated the major elements of the picture knowing I could always use the smudge
tool to put them back together.
Using some color controls (in a graphics programe), I removed color from the grey. This has the
effect of giving the picture tints of the opposite (complimentary) hues without affecting the
contrasts (values). In this operation I applied color theory regarding complements - while
keeping the values bright. The reason for this is important. In previous lessons I have talked
about the theory of 'subtractive' color and how we use it in painting. The theory I use here is
called 'addative color theory' and is commonly used in photography, film and computer imaging.
Simply put the spectrum hues combine to produce white light, and the removal of one leaves a
predominance of the rest. In other words if we had a red, blue and yellow spotlights and shone
them all on a blank screen they would produce white. White then is the sum (addative) of all
the colors. If we subtract red then the white spot will turn green, subtract blue and orange will
appear etc.
To produce the hues above I started with ovals of white. In the first I subtracted red, the
second green and the third blue. This is how what they call 'additive' color, works!
In this manner I applied hue (color) to the hat and uniform, the face and the shirt.
Next I put them roughly back together.
I gave the cheeks and the bottom lip a
little extra blush with a computer
This meant I still had a raw figure with no
background ...
So I searched for a background that
might describe the nature of the war the
man fought. I wanted a stark, riveting
but an atmospheric scene. I found what I
wanted but it was tiny. This was not
necessarily a disadvantage as I could
repeat some facial and clothing hues in
the top half of the background.
I created the background then smudged
again with my smudge brush. (1 of 3)1/13/2004 3:39:52 AM