Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

Next, identify critical success factors for X. Complete the state-
ment “To be world class at X, we must.. .” The outcome of this
step should be the identification of eight to ten critical factors for
this corporate initiative to succeed. Arriving at this outcome might
involve a small research team, a task force, or another group that
defines these critical success factors. Put these critical success
factors in the columns labeled a... through j.
Next, answer the question, “In what locations are these critical
success factors demonstrated?” The units are generally discrete work
settings (plants, divisions, business units, or regions) where work is
performed. Put these locations in the rows labeled 1... through 8,
adding rows as necessary.
On a scale of 0 to 5, score each cell of the matrix: 0 = not
applicable; 1 = we have no skills at all; 2 = we have some skills; 3 =
we’re average; 4 = we think we are good; 5 = others think we are
good (“world class”). Either an organizational unit leader or a rat-
ing team external to the organization should do this assessment of
the unit (such as a corporate group who inspects the unit or an
outside rating agency). Members of the unit can provide scores of
0 to 4, but a score of 5 must come from someone outside the unit.
(Scoring in this step will help a leader diagnose the extent to which
the unit exhibits the specific actions required by the overarching
The unit leader should complete the scoring of the matrix. This
completed companywide matrix can help pinpoint pockets of
excellence (scores of 5 in a cell) and provides an overall corporate
score on any initiative. The overall score may provide feedback for
a corporate person assigned to pursue initiative X. The matrix itself
indicates the baseline for how ideas are generalized across these
different units.
The leader can now proceed to steps 5, 6, and 7. These steps are
to repeat the scoring for each part of the business, to build a plan
on how to move best practices throughout the business, and to gen-
eralize the learning capabilities throughout the organization.

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