Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

This scenario may sound utopian, but IBM has spoken with a
loud voice regarding its determination to be in the forefront of this
movement. In addition, it has the resources and staying power to
make it happen in part, if not in total. The bottom line in this sce-
nario, however, will be treating these suppliers as treasured alliances.
After all, outsourcing IT and systems services are not new ideas. The
wholesale turnkey operation of the nature that IBM’s on-demand
concept envisages contemplates an entirely different supplier rela-
tionship. Now the alliance issues should be dealing with mutuality,
not just price-related and commoditized bargaining methods man-
aged by the purchasing department. These mutuality issues should
be negotiated and managed at corporate headquarters. The chief
alliance officer (CAO) level should work hand in hand with the
chief supply officer (CSO) to distinguish between relationships that
require alliance management and those that require supplier man-
agement. The question then becomes, what is the difference
between supplier and alliance management? (See Exhibit 8.2.)


Exhibit 8.2 Supplier Versus Alliance Management

Suppliers That Are Not Tiered Suppliers That Are Tiered into
Little information shared and High level of information shared;
low communication commitment excellent communication
processes and attention
Low level of integration whether High level of integration whether
manufacturing, distribution, joint manufacturing, distribution, joint
marketing, joint purchasing, or marketing, joint purchasing, or
mutual design mutual design
Low level of relationship investing High level of relationship investing
Negotiations take place at the Negotiations take place at the
purchasing department level, and senior executive level, and
relationship manager is not relationship managers are not in
allocated or if allocated is seen the purchasing department but
primarily as a supply chain manager rather in the alliances group or at
and price negotiator the division level
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