Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

Alexander J. Oggis senior vice president of the Foods Division at
Unilever. He is responsible for leadership, learning, and perfor-
mance within the organization. Prior to joining Unilever, he held
the change management/organization effectiveness role for
Motorola. In this position, he assisted in the transformation of all
communications businesses. Before joining Motorola, Ogg spent fif-
teen years as a leadership development and change management
consultant. He also held positions of president at the Center for
Leadership Studies, managing director at Dove Associations, and
founder of Via Consulting Group. He began his career as a line offi-
cer for the U.S. Coast Guard. He held various positions, was
involved in search and rescue activities, and became a highly deco-
rated commanding officer. Contact: [email protected];

Thomas Cummingsis the newly appointed global head of learning
and organization for Unilever. During the past three years, he served
as executive vice president for leadership development at ABN
AMRO Bank and prior to that was a founding partner of Leading
Ventures and Executive Learning Partnership, a European-based
organization advisory and leadership development firm. Cummings’s
client engagements are typically built through long-term, trust-
based collaborative agreements between a business and its external
partners. He has completed corporate change and leadership devel-
opment assignments for management teams in a range of compa-
nies. As a research fellow and then teaching faculty at IMD
International in Lausanne, Switzerland, he conducted research,
taught, and codirected the Programme on International Business
Alliances. While at IMD, he wrote two award-winning case studies
on international strategic management and authored several case
studies on strategy, innovation, change, and leadership. Contact:
[email protected]; http://www.unilever.nl

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