Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Chapter Seventeen


A Performing Learning Art

Alexander B. Horniman

The Information Age has brought with it numerous challenges and
considerable change. Emphasis on knowledge and knowledge
working has been increasing, yet many of the hoped-for expecta-
tions have not been realized. Knowledge and knowledge work
alone are not enough. Knowledge by itself is passive, and
knowledge working is only a bit more active. The time is right for
a different leadership perspective, a perspective based on learning.
Individuals willing to step into the role of learning leaders can play
a vital leadership role in the days to come.
Leadingby its very nature is an action-oriented concept. It is
about doing. It is about translating ideas into actions and then
learning from the results of these actions. Leading is about
performing, and leaders are performing artists. Performingis used
here not in the dramatic role sense but rather as Peter Vail
describes performing, “learning as being.”^1 Learningis about being
personally engaged and through this engagement process creating
a unique (artistic) experience that will deliver value. The behavior
of learning leaders is necessary if knowledge work is to achieve its
potential. Leaders who understand and practice learning-leading
engagement can and will make a difference.
Learning is perhaps best illustrated by the actions of little chil-
dren. Little children are constantly learning. They explore, push,
poke, prod, and engage in hundreds of different activities a day.

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