Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

offers the following: “Learning as a way of being is foundational to
all efforts to enhance the learning of managerial leaders.”^6 Building
on these two ideas, it seems that learning is about being engaged in
ways that ensure that leaders add or create value. Learning leaders
are people who are powerfully engaged and consequently aware of
the fact that everything they say and do matters. They seem to
view every action as a learning opportunity for themselves and oth-
ers in the organization. They combine childlike focus, energy, and
curiosity with their adult knowledge. Being engaged means behav-
ing in ways that reflect the integration of the four elements of
engagement: physical, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional.
Physical engagementhas to do with how people listen, how they
speak, and the types of questions they ask. When engaged people
speak, they do so in the present, not the past. They speak to solve
problems and add value rather than to advance personal agendas.
Engaging leaders teach in ways that inform and inspire. When
engaged people listen, they do so in ways that convey respect and
regard toward others. Given the chaotic times and the accompa-
nying noise, it is difficult to listen. It takes a great deal of energy and
focus. Former President Bill Clinton was said to be a powerfully
engaged listener. If you were in his presence, he made you feel like
you were the only person in the room and what you had to say mat-
tered a great deal. Learning through engaged listening is a power-
ful process. It is a vital learning-leader process. It is also a physically
demanding process requiring considerable energy. This may explain
why we have so few learning leaders.
Physically engaged leaders ask questions that challenge others
to learn and develop.
Physically engaged leaders are “doing learning” through their
actions. They are being learners.
Intellectual engagementmeans being engaged in a “mindful way.”
Ellen Langer points out that mindful learners are constantly
expanding their categories in order to effectively engage the
dynamic circumstances that they are confronting. Categories, men-
tal models, beliefs,and frames of referenceare all related terms, and

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