The thoughts, insights, and visions expressed in Leading Organiza-
tional Learning represent the thinking of some of the world’s most
knowledgeable minds. We thank them for unselfishly sharing their
ideas with you. The value of an edited book depends on individu-
als like them and their willingness to share with readers.
Capturing those thoughts and creating a valuable book is more
challenging. The credit for taking the individual masterpieces and
making them a true collection of art is solely credited to our man-
aging editor, Sarah McArthur. Sarah’s patience and thoroughness
with the editing process continues to amaze us, and the quality of
her work is equal to the quality of the contributors.
We would also like to thank Dorothy Hearst and all of the staff
of Jossey-Bass for their commitment to this project and their
supporting our vision. Their commitment to the distribution of
quality business resources is appreciated and recognized.
Any labor of love requires the patience of spouses. Ours were
no exception. Special thanks go to Lyda, Patrice, Maria, Heather,
Michael, Alexander, and Kathryn.
—M.G., H.J.M., A.J.O.
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