Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Giang, R., 42–43
Giving back, 203–205. See alsoLegacies of learning
Gladwell, M., 109, 276–278, 287, 297
Glavin, B., 284
Global, multinational organizations: communities
of practice in, 236; financial service, 328–329;
as idea marketplaces, 103–110
Global clinical trials, 312–313
Global Learning Organizations Work! (GLOW), 65
Goal attainment, dimensions of, 303–304
Goals: in category framework, 117; informal
learning and, 91–92; leadership develop-
ment, 126
Goldman Sachs, 109, 317–331; client services
of, 329; executive coaching program of,
323–324; future challenges for, 330; leader-
ship development at, 109, 320–330;
Leadership Principles of, 326–329; line leader
partnerships in, 324–325; Pine Street Group,
109, 321–330; running rules (Pine Street
Group), 321–323
Goldsmith, M., 19, 25–26, 88, 123
Goleman, D., 123–124
Gore Associates (Gore-Tex), 277
Government organizations, knowledge retention
in, 235
Ground truth, 272
Growth/Share matrix, 222
GuideMe development support system, 126–131
Habits: organizational culture and, 109; unlearning
and replacing, 124
“Hallway challenge,” 180
Hampden-Turner, C., 13, 17
Harburg, F., 301, 308
Harley-Davidson, 273
Harvard Business Review,24, 288
Hassle factor, 246–247, 252
Heil, G., 147, 159
Herman Miller, 187
Hewitt Associates, 48, 49, 206, 207, 240
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 72, 87
Hidden creases, 226–228
Hiring, 30; of natural learners, 67
Home Depot, 131, 196
Home visits, client, 222–224
Honda, 73
Honeywell, 44, 73, 182, 196
Horniman, A. B., 185, 193–194
Horvath, J. A., 274
“How to” materials, 95
Human capital: allocation of, 142; investment in,

  1. See alsoPeople
    Human judgment: artificial intelligence versus,
    259–260; in database management, 48; role
    of, in knowledge management, 27–28, 48
    Human memory, 275–278, 279
    Human resources (HR) function: knowledge
    management in, 41; teams and, 152
    Humility, 62, 163
    Hutterites, 277
    Hypertext links, 127, 130
    Hypertext transfer protocol (http), 127

IBM, 36, 114, 295; after-action reviews of, 273;
leadership ideas and practices at, 196, 197,
198–199, 201–202; on-demand computing
strategy of, 85–86, 88
IBM Global Business Services, 279
Idea acceptance, influencing clients for, 226–228
Idea generation: for clients, 219–228; in learning
organizations, 66–67, 70–77; at organizational
level, 72–73; in teams, 71, 76. See alsoKnowl-
edge creation
Idea marketplace, 103–110, 288; barriers to,
104–106; concept of, 103–104; concepts for
promoting, 107–110; efficient, 103–110, 305;
sources of inefficiency in, 104–106
Ideas: leadership and access to, 281–290; little, for
great leadership, 195–206; price determination
for, 105–106; selling, to upper management,
19–26; value determination for, 105–106.
See alsoMoving learning and ideas
Impact, organizational learning ability and, 66–67
Impact Coaching, Inc., 174
Impatience, 172
Implementation, of knowledge management sys-
tems: change management approach to,
241–253; checklist to gauge the potential suc-
cess of, 252–253; social factors in, 256–265
Implicit or tacit knowledge: defined, 211–212,
274; examples of passed-on, 213–214; explicit,
codified knowledge versus,13, 15–16, 56–57,
211–212, 235, 273–275; passing on, as legacy,
211–218; shifting from explicit knowledge to,
235, 274–275, 279; social interaction for shar-
ing, 260–265, 287–288, 294–295, 296–298
Impossibility belief, 247–248, 252
In-ear coaching, 9
Incentive Markets, Inc., 313–314
Incentives: for collaborative research and develop-
ment innovation, 310–312; for knowledge
management change initiatives, 244–245, 252;
for knowledge sharing, 48, 261–263; lack of,
43; reciprocity versus,203–205; social factors
in, 261–263. See alsoRewards and recognition
Independent commissions, 278
Individual versusteam knowledge, 13, 14–15
Individualism, 14–15
Industry research and analysis, 221–222
Influencing up, 19–26; importance of, 19–20,
269–270, 278–279; resistance to, 282–283;
strategies for, 20–26
Informal interaction: learning through, 91, 94–97,
287–288, 294–295, 296–298; promoting,
96–97, 296–298; venues of, 47, 95
Informal learning, 91–101; accessing, 95–96,
281–290; acknowledging, to self, 93–94;
celebration of, 100; goals and, 91–92; integrat-
ing formal learning with, 98; on the job,
91–100, 163–165, 177–178; jump-starting,
with novelty, 97; liberating, in others, 95;
methods of, 92; nurturing, through reflection,
97–98; prevalence of, 91, 93; promoting,
with new practices, 96–97; resources for
encouraging, 99; in social interaction, 91,
287–288, 294–295, 296–298; steps for


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