Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Relationships, human: building, in knowledge
management systems, 255–265; executive
development of, 143; infrastructure and, 108;
knowledge management and, 57–63,
259–261; organizational structure and size
and, 275–278, 279; in talent development,
205–206. See alsoNetworks
Relevance, of training, 178–179
Reliability, 106
Remedial learning, 257–258
Renewal, 157
Reorganization, in category framework, 117
Repatriation, 328–329
Repetition, message, 201
Reputation, 30
Research, leadership development, 326–329
Research and development (R&D): collaborative
approaches to, 309–314; for consulting
clients, 220, 222; in pharmaceutical firm,
309–314; Web-based, 310–314
Resistance: autonomy versus,55; and barriers to
knowledge sharing, 103, 104–106, 255–265,
282–283, 292–296, 317–320; to best ideas,
148; change management and, 241–253,
282–283; of clients to new ideas, 228; to
knowledge management initiatives, 241–253,
282–283; to new ideas, 228; “not invented
here,” 106, 317; to organization-as-machine
belief, 55; reducing, through infrastructure,
108; social barriers and, 255–265, 283–284; to
technology, 248–249
Resource deployment: executive ability in, 142;
for learning and knowledge sharing, 169
Responsibility: human preference for, 157–158;
reciprocity and, 203–205
Results-Based Leadership, Inc., 77–78
Retention: CEO’s role in, 170; executives’ role in,
138–139, 170; importance of, 46
Return on investment (ROI), difficulty of
measuring, 43
Reverse mentoring, 199
Rewards and recognition: in financial service
firms, 318, 319; for ideas, 105; for innovation,
144; in knowledge management change ini-
tiatives, 244–245, 252; for learning and
knowledge sharing, 181, 182, 257, 293–294,
296–297; for on-the-job learning, 100; reci-
procity and, 203–205; traditional practices in,

  1. See alsoIncentives
    Riding the Waves of Culture(Trompenaars and
    Hampden-Turner), 17
    Risk taking: of best leaders, 202–203; of chief
    executive officers, 163, 202–203; individual
    level, 202–203; learning and, 68, 144, 190;
    organizational level, 202–203; supporting
    innovation and, 144; trust and, 228
    Role models. SeeModeling
    Rolls-Royce, 223–224
    Rosenberg, M. J., 241, 251
    Rule of 150, 276–278, 279
    Russell Reynolds Associates, 291–299
    Rutgers University, School of Management and
    Labor Relations, 265

Sachtleben, L., 309, 315
Safeway, 83
Saidel, B. G., 291, 299
Salespeople, knowledge workers as, 19–26
Samsung Electronics, 73
Saratoga Institute, 41
Schrage, M., 46
Scorecards, 307
Scrutiny, 137
Second-wave learning, 7
Seekers, 310–312
Segil, L., 79, 88–89
Self-awareness, 275, 295
Self-esteem, 258
Self-examination, leader, 148–150
Self-improvement, executive commitment to, 140
Self-protection, 258
Selling ideas, to upper management, 19–26
Senge, P., 188
Senior leadership. SeeChief executive officers;
Leaders; Leadership; Upper management
Serendipity, 287–288
Service firms, knowledge management in,
Seven, magic number of, 275–276
Shareholder expectations: executive responsibili-
ties to, 137, 143, 144; shift in, 137, 144
Shareholder value: leadership and, 151; organiza-
tional learning and, 65–66
Shell, 104, 273
Shooting the messenger, 269–270, 278–279
“Shopping the competition,” 179
Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution, 96
Siemens University, 258
Simon, H., 273–275
Simplicity in communication, 201
Simplification of the complex, 301–303
Simulated portfolio management tool, 313–314
Sincerity, 106
Sink-in time, 249, 253
Site visits: benchmarking, 235; client, 222–224
Six Sigma, 44, 73, 140
Size, organizational, 275–278, 279, 292–293.
See alsoLarge organizations
Smallwood, N., 65, 77–78
Smart displays, 9
Sobel, A., 219, 229
Sobel, R., 222–223
Social capital: knowledge sharing through,
296–298; theory of, 238
Social engineering, 297
Social factors, in knowledge management systems,
255–265, 292–296
Social groups, optimum size of, 276–278
Social networks. SeeNetworks
Software development firms, knowledge
management in, 30
Solvers, 310–312
Sony, 72
Sources, recruiting, 295
Southwest Airlines, 106, 187, 196, 197


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