The Spiritual Man

(Martin Jones) #1

Spiritual Work 257

Every Christian ought to seek the power of the Holy Spirit. To
understand it mentally is not enough. His spirit must be engulfed by
the Heavenly Power. The effectiveness of one’s work depends upon
whether he has the experience of being so immersed in the Holy
Spirit. God’s Spirit requires an outlet, but alas, in how many can He
actually find that outlet? There are hindrances of sin, of pride, of
coldness, of self-will, or of reliance on the soul life. God’s Power has
no exit! We have too many other sources of energy besides His!

In seeking the might of the Holy Spirit we must keep our mind
clear and our will alive, thereby guarding ourselves from the enemy’s
counterfeit. We also must let God purge from our life anything
sinful, unrighteous or doubtful, that our total being may be presented
to the Lord. We then should “receive the promise of the Spirit
through faith” (Gal. 3.14). Rest in God trusting that He will fulfill
His Word in due course. Do not, however, forget His promise.
Should there be delay, use the opportunity for closer scrutiny of your
life beneath His light. Gladly accept any feeling which does come
with the power; but if God deems it suitable not to accompany power
with feeling, simply believe He has indeed fulfilled His Word.

How does one judge whether he has received the promise or not?
By looking into his experience. He who has received power has his
spiritual senses sharpened and also possesses an utterance—not of
this world—to witness for the Lord. His work is effective and bears
lasting fruit. Power is the basic ingredient for spiritual service.

Upon receiving the enablement of the Holy Spirit a believer grows
very sensitive to his spirit’s senses. He should keep his inner man
continually free, allowing the Holy Spirit to flow out His life in and
through his being. To keep the inner man free is to maintain it in an
operative condition for the Holy Spirit. Suppose God, for instance,
sends a believer to lead a meeting. This one’s spirit must be open. He
should not come to the meeting with a spirit loaded down with many
cares or weights, else this shall afflict the whole meeting with

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