Educational Psychology 2nd Edition

(singke) #1

  1. The changing teaching profession and you

“But it’s not all surprises. I expected to be able to ‘light a fire’ under kids about learning to read. And
that has actually happened, at least sometimes with some children!”
As a teacher, you will be able to do this by laying groundwork for lifelong learning. You will not teach any one
student forever, of course, but you will often work with them long enough to convey a crucial message: that there is
much in life to learn—more in fact than any one teacher or school can provide in a lifetime. The knowledge may be
about science, math, or learning to read; the skills may be sports, music, or art—anything. Whatever you teach, its
immensity can be a source of curiosity, wonder and excitement. It can be a reason to be optimistic about life in
general and about your students in particular. Learning, when properly understood, is never-ending, even though it
often focuses on short-term, immediate concerns. As a teacher, you will have an advantage not shared by every
member of society, namely the excuse not only to teach valuable knowledge and skills, but to point students beyond
what they will be able to learn from you. As an old limerick put it (before the days of gender-balanced language),
“The world is full of such a plenty of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.”
Jennifer Fuller, a third teacher reflects: “OK”, suddenly getting businesslike in her tone. “Here’s my
typical day teaching tenth grade: I get up at 6:30, have a quick breakfast, get to school by 7:45 if the
traffic’s not bad. Then I check my email—usually there’s a little stuff from the principal or some other
administrator, maybe one or two from parents concerned because their child is doing poorly in one
of my classes, maybe one or two from students—“I’m going to be sick today, Ms Fuller!”—that sort of
thing. Now it’s 8:15 and I have two hours before my first class—this term I teach only biology, and I
only teach periods 2, 3, and 5. Maybe I have marking to do before class, or maybe I have to get a lab
demonstration ready. Or maybe we all have to troupe down to the library for a staff meeting
(groan...). Whatever I don’t finish in the morning, I have to finish after school. But that’s also when I
meet with the Ecology Club (I’m the faculty advisor), so I might have to finish stuff in the evening. I
try not to do it then, but a lot of times I have to. But I always quit by 9:00—that’s always when I
watch TV for an hour, or just “vegetate ” with a book.”
Whatever you teach, you will be able to feel the satisfaction of designing and orchestrating complex activities
that communicate new ideas and skills effectively. The challenge is attractive to many teachers, because that is
where they exercise judgment and “artistry” the most freely and frequently. Your students will depend on your skill
at planning and managing, though sometimes without realizing how much they do so. Teachers will need you to
know how to explain ideas clearly, to present new materials in a sensible sequence and at an appropriate pace, to
point out connections between their new learning and their prior experiences. Although these skills really take a
lifetime to master, they can be practiced successfully even by beginning teachers, and they do improve steadily with
continued teaching over time. Right from the start, though, skill at design and communication of curriculum is one
of the major “perks” of the job.
The very complexity of classroom life virtually guarantees that teaching never needs to get boring. Something
new and exciting is bound to occur just when you least expect it. A student shows an insight that you never
expected to see—or fails to show one that you were sure he had. An activity goes better than expected—or worse, or
merely differently. You understand for the first time why a particular student behaves as she does, and begin
thinking of how to respond to the student's behavior more helpfully in the future. After teaching a particular

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