- Students with special educational needs
Student: Sean Cortinez Birth Date: 26 May 2002 Period Covered by IEP:
September 20xx – July 20xy
Address: Phone:
School: Grant Park Middle
Grade Level: 3 Teacher(s): G. Eidse
Support Team
List specialists (educational, medical, or other) involved in assisting the student:
Resource teacher, instructional aide (part time):
Special Curriculum Needs to be Addressed:
List general needs here; use separate sheet(s) for specific, short-term objectives as appropriate:
Sean can read short, familiar words singly, but cannot read connected text even when familiar. Needs help
especially with decoding and other “word attack” skills. Some trouble focusing on reading tasks. Sean speaks
clearly and often listens well when the topic interests him.
Special Materials or Equipment Needed:
Modified test procedures and reading materials as required.
Parent or guardian: K. Cortinez
Teacher(s): G. Eidse
Principal: L. Stauffer
Date of IEP Meeting: 26 October 20xx
Exhibit 6: A sample individual educational plan. (Note that actual visual formats of IEP plans vary.)
If you have a student with an IEP, you can expect two consequences for teaching. The first is that you should
expect to make definite, clear plans for the student, and to put the plans in writing. This consequence does not, of