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in essential mixed cryoglobulinaemia, autoimmune disease as SLE, PAN,
HSP, infection as CMV, malaria and HBV.

While patients with cryoglobulinaemia usually present with the
manifestation of the original disease, 20-30% of patients with mixed
cryoglobulinaemia present with disease (vasculitis) caused by
cryoglobulin itself. This is termed essential mixed cryoglobulinaemia.

Clinical features:
Clinical manifestations of EMC include the following:
1- Renal, including nephrotic syndrome, nephritic syndrome or RPGN.
2- Extrarenal, including purpura, arthritis and hepatic dysfunction.

Steroid and cyclophosphamide are usually given in combination to
treat EMC. Plasma exchange is indicated with severe disease to lower the
level of circulating cryoglobulin.

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