Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

from front to back. Located along the spinal column, there
are seven main tunnels ranging from the base of the spine to
the top of the head. Numerous other smaller tunnels exist in
each joint of the body as well as along the energetic nerve
paths or meridians described by Chinese acupuncturists.
They may grow larger or smaller, depending on their level of
activity. When they are highly energized and active, they
tend to be more expansive, like the size of a small plate.
When they are underused or shut down, they can appear
dark or as small as a penny. For most people, when in bal-
ance, they are the size of a silver dollar.
All the tunnels are connected to each other via passage-
ways that move up and down the spine. These channels allow
the various openings to work in harmony and to remain in
communication with one another. Occasionally these chan-
nels become closed or are shut down due to trauma, threat,
despondency, or accident. A shamanic explanation might be
that the person has become dispirited due to interference by
alien spirits or loss of the guardian spirit who assists with that

Mahtee dodged the wet fronds as he made his way
through the dense tangle of vines that clogged the an-
cient path. At last he broke out into the light of the clear-
ing where Nata's village stood. Nata rushed out to meet
"At last you are herel" she cried, clearly distressed.
"My sister Tia is not better. Can you see her after you
have eaten?"
Take me to her now," Mahtee advised.
Tia lay on a mat, stony and unresponsive. Mahtee sat
silently for a moment, relaxing his body as he asked for
guidance from his spirit allies. He pulled out his small
traveling drum and began a rapid beat. Using his sha-
manic sight, he looked at her spirit body and saw that her
power animal was missing. He also saw density and a
blockage of dark color around her chest. Looking more
closely, he noticed that from the opening to the spirit
world in the top of her head there was oozing a black
slime that appeared to be alive. He asked his guardian
spirit, the python, what that might be and the snake im-
mediately began to weep bitter tears. Then the snake
asked Tia's spirit body if she wanted the slime removed.
When she responded with a vigorous "Yes," the spirit
pulled out the black slime and patted it into the shape of a
young man who immediately ran away.
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