Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

color red. The quality and vitality of this layer is the strong-
est indication of the basic health of the body.
Looking into this opening can tell you where your level of
survival happens to be. Incidents that are life-threatening or
that bring up other fears of survival (finances) often blow the
first tunnel wide open and can make you feel fearful, para-
lyzed, and uncertain. When you experience a rapid opening
of this tunnel in these situations, you get the energetic coun-
terpart to the adrenaline rush. The process of change, which
may threaten your basic survival beliefs, can also activate
this first tunnel.
Memories stored in this center include childhood
traumas, physical accidents, and even ancestral incidents that
once threatened survival. People's grounding—the connec-
tion with the Earth that helps make them feel safe—is also
secured through this tunnel.


The second tunnel of power is to be found just below the
navel in the abdominal area. The functions associated with
this center are raw emotion, reproduction, fertility, sexual
attraction, and sexual energy in general. Likewise, any
blockages or problems in these functions can be identified
and worked with through this tunnel. When shamans journey
through this opening, they may initially confront memories
of sexual traumas in childhood, adolescence, or past lives.
Fertility symbols are often represented as well as demons or
unsavory creatures that are common figures in traditional
The color associated with this tunnel is usually pink or
orange and the energetic field generated forms the second
layer of the spirit body. Changes to or problems with this
particular opening can manifest in a physical symptom in the
abdominal area.
A woman attending one of our lectures told us that every
time she dated a certain man, she would end the evening
with the most fearful gastric pains in her abdomen. She attri-
buted this condition to her excitement about being near him.
But further scrutiny unveiled that her feelings for him did not
support a level of excitement that would produce such a
physical state. Needless to say, after tuning in and exploring
the situation via a spirit vision, she found her companion
setting up house in her second tunnel. That is she found his
intrusive energy trying to influence her sexual response to-

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