Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

and all of her love feelings were noticeably absent. A
quick scan of her seven tunnels revealed to her that the
tunnel in her chest was tightly closed down. She asked
her power animal to help her open it a little and as it
relaxed she was overcome with grief. After the tears
flowed, Marjorie felt that she could breathe again. She
had remembered a time when her mother gave her kitten
away as punishment for arguing with her. With the re-
lease of that sad memory, Marjorie could now feel loving
again. She also went out and got herself a kitten.

This opening is probably the most noticed and worked
with tunnel of all because of the inherent need we all have
for love and acceptance and because of the importance of
self-esteem. People in general are sensitive to the reactions
of this vortex and the physical sensations they produce.
Take, for example, someone you feel has charisma or whom
you feel is kind and generous. Notice them with your sha-
manic vision. You will probably find yourself being drawn to
their heart area as the source of those qualities. Likewise, at
the other end of the scale, grief or loss causes us to feel
"heartache" and sadness, usually concentrated physically in
that area. Sobbing, for instance, is a physical reaction related
to a release of emotion from the fourth opening. Because of
the emotional nature of the fourth opening, working effec-
tively with it can be a true key to success. Emotional interac-
tion tends to be stronger than intellectual interaction. Thus,
using the fourth tunnel can give you an edge when it comes
to connecting with people and creating a bond of affinity
with them. It can especially help you in problem solving
when others are involved.

Storage in the fourth tunnel might include childhood
memories associated with self-esteem, abandonment, and
old griefs. This opening tends to be more vulnerable than
others and protection is often necessary.


Located at the cleft of the throat just above the chest area
is the fifth tunnel, often a light blue color, forming the fifth
layer of your spirit body. It is associated with creative ex-
pression and channeling ability. Also included in its scope of
influence are the inner ears and the base of the skull. Using
the fifth tunnel opens your abilities to communicate telepath-
ically with others and to hear and recognize your own inner
messages. Comedians, orators, teachers, and others with de-

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