inside chance to study with a good teacher in Nepal. She
invited him to come along and there began an extraordinary
adventure that was to transform the next few weeks.
These apparently coincidental events happen to everyone,
but when you have been practicing from a shamanic perspec-
tive, the magical quality of events begins to pick up in speed
and regularity. To shamans, this is regarded as most auspi-
Next you may notice a heightening of your intuition and
your awareness. You find that you can sense obstacles before
they grow too big and you know the most fruitful path to
follow for satisfaction and enjoyment. You often anticipate
what people are thinking and feeling and you establish rap-
port with them much more quickly. You know what is hap-
pening around you and you spend less time in confusion.
Another sign of successful shamanic practice is an in-
crease in your creative abilities. You notice that you are able
to quickly come up with excellent solutions to problems that
once stumped you. You are able to see how obstacles are
really opportunities that challenge you to grow stronger and
more powerful. Artistic urges happen more often and you
look for ways to express the bountiful and rich life develop-
ing within you.
Your compassion increases toward others and you can no
longer run roughshod over fellow creatures on the planet
whether they be animals, plants, minerals, or other people.
Your capacity for love and affinity grows to the point where
you want to see everyone win in as many situations as possi-
ble. You want to alleviate suffering whenever possible. You
find yourself growing in respect for others and their experi-
ences each day. You can no longer negatively judge people
because you understand them and realize that they, like you,
are valuable living parts of the web of power.
Likewise, you notice that your own self-esteem and ca-
pacity for loving yourself expands exponetially. You treat
your body with greater care and respect by exercising it and
giving it the kind of food it needs for vitality and energy.
Your health noticeably improves and you become more capa-
ble of using the power you have learned to channel from
your shamanic practice.
When you have been successful in your shamanic practice
you find that you see the world in a much broader context.
You experience awe for the source of the incredible internal
gifts that you receive along the way. You develop a humble
perspective, knowing that you yourself are not the source of
power and light, but just one of many vehicles for it. You