(Jeff_L) #1


ward with the right knee flexed to relax the ab-
dominal muscles and repeat the examination.

Precise from the University of Alberta website,
accessed 20/1/11

10 three months after the birth of a baby

11 Structured drawing activities (2007-2011) with
staff of a mixed ethnicity hospital community in
south–east London, based on the concept that
drawing is a useful tool in the practice of empa-
thy, which is thought to be essential to the prac-
tice of medicine. Empathy, “putting oneself in the
shoes of another” is examined critically through
drawing as practice, conducted within the hospi-
tal environment. This research coincides with a
period of immense change for the hospital Trust
where I work as both an artist in residence and a
consultant microbiologist, looping between one
practice and the other on a daily basis.

12 In my first experiment in 2008 I asked confident
participants to repeat the drawing process, still
with eyes closed but with greater contact with the
ground, either lying down to draw or gently rest-
ing the head on the ground to draw with both
hands. I provided a yoga mat, head cushion and a
screen of clean washing, on a white clothes horse,
to shield them from the gaze of people wander-
ing along the corridor next to the hospital gal-
lery where the event was taking place. In 2010
events benefits were noted by participants who
welcomed the opportunity to lie down for a few
moments during a hectic clinical day.

13 or public hospital corridor

14 In my original experiments in 2008 & 2010, par-
ticipants included doctors, nurses, and porters,
catering staff and occasionally patients and rela-

15 The use of this technique in hospital events did
not take place until spring 2011 when my collab-
orative art practice in the hospital was very well

16 Brief Encounters, Morvah Schoolhouse,
Penzance, Cornwall, Spring 2012

Bourriaud, Nicolas (1998). Relational Aesthetics Les
presses du reel (2002 translation).
Heinman, P. (1949). Psycho-Analytic conference, Zu-
Klein, M. (1959). ‘Our Adult World and Its Roots
in Infancy’, reprinted in Klein (1988): 247–63
(1988), ‘Envy and Gratitude’ and Other Works
1946–63. London: Virago.
Kovats, Tania (2006). The Drawing Book A survey of
drawing: the primary means of expression Black
Dog Publishing Ltd, London.
Morgan, Jessica (2003). Commonwealth Ta t e P u b-
lishing, Millbank, London.

Locating Empathy with Double-blind Drawing and bimanual Palpation

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