The Prouds; A Novel


  • Laith Taher 59

generously give. I want to give you one hundred
thoroughbred horses, which I collected from the various
countries I have been to.
“Please, My Lord, accept my gift and do not turn
me down.”
The king thought for a moment, then, because he
loved his people so much and would not like to make any
of them sad, he approved, “Very well. I accept your gift.”
The merchant was very pleased. “Thank you, My
Lord. I will send the horses to Mazara Palace with one of
my slaves to tell you and Her Majesty, the queen, who
loves horses as I was told, about each horse, its name, age,
and where it came from.”
Before leaving, the merchant said, “Thank you, My
Lord, for accepting my gift. I shall never forget this favor.”

The horses were delivered to Mazara Palace, led by the
slave whom the merchant mentioned to the king. Mazara
Palace was one of the king’s many places throughout
Widea. The king and his wife used to visit it frequently and
enjoyed riding the many horses it had. The slave was of
strong physique and full-bodied. He had thick brown hair
and light brown facial hair. Queen Heather used to visit
Mazara Palace alone every Wednesday. She loved horses
so much, and people knew that about her. One Wednesday,
she came to Mazara Palace and asked about the new horses
the king told her about. She was eager to see all those many
thoroughbred horses, ride as many of them as she could,
and hear whatever the slave had to tell her about them.
The slave was summoned for her.

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