For more information on the uses and releases of chemicals in your state, contact the community
right-to-know hotline at (800) 424-9346.
How will I know if there is Chromium in my Drinking Water?
Your public water system's annual water quality report will provide information if total chromium is
detected in the drinking water it delivers. The water quality report is sent to customers by July 1 of
each year and may also be found on your public water system's website. Some water utilities have
conducted monitoring specifically for chromium-6. Contact your public water system to find out if
this information is available.
Consumers served by private wells can have their water tested by a state certified laboratory. You
can find information on how to sample for chromium-6 and where to send samples by contacting
your state water laboratory certification officer.
What should I do if I am concerned about the Presence of Chromium-6 in my Drinking Water
while EPA is reviewing the Science and the Regulation?
If you remain concerned after finding out more about the chromium-6 levels in your drinking water,
you may consider taking additional steps.
Can home treatment devices remove chromium-6?
Some home treatment devices are certified by organizations to remove chromium-6. Two
certification organizations are: NSF International and the Water Quality Association. These
certification programs are based on current drinking water standards and home treatment devices
are only certified to remove chromium-6 to either 50 or 100 parts per billion.
Contact the device's manufacturer for specific information about how effective the product is, given
your water and treatment goal. Your public water system's water quality report and your water
system's staff can help you understand the characteristics of your water.
If you choose to use a home treatment device, it is very important to follow the manufacturer's
operation and maintenance instructions carefully in order to make sure the device works properly.
Consumers should be aware that the current EPA drinking water standard for chromium requires
that public water systems provide drinking water that does not exceed a total chromium
concentration of 100 ppb.
Can I avoid exposure to chromium-6 if I only Drink Bottled Water? (Is there Chromium-6 in
bottled water?)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes standards for bottled water and has adopted
EPA's total chromium standard of 100 ppb. Contact bottled water manufacturers for specific
information about levels of chromium-6 in their products.
How do I learn more about my Drinking Water?
EPA strongly encourages people to learn more about their drinking water, and to support local
efforts to provide safe drinking water. Your water bill or telephone book's government listings are a
good starting point for local information. Check your water system provider's website or contact
your water provider. EPA requires all community water systems to prepare and deliver an annual
consumer confidence report, sometimes called a water quality report, to their customers by July 1
of each year.