Microsoft Word - WaterChemistry

(Michael S) #1

Cerium, left, Dysprosium, right.

Examples of allotropes include:

Element Allotropes


 Diamond - an extremely hard, transparent crystal, with the carbon
atoms arranged in a tetrahedral lattice. A poor electrical conductor.
An excellent thermal conductor.
 Lonsdaleite - also called hexagonal diamond.
 Graphite - a soft, black, flaky solid, a moderate electrical
conductor. The C atoms are bonded in flat hexagonal lattices
(graphene), which are then layered in sheets.
 Linear acetylenic carbon (Carbyne)
 Amorphous carbon
 Fullerenes, including Buckminsterfullerene, aka "buckyballs", such
as C 60.
 Carbon nanotubes - allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical


 White phosphorus - crystalline solid P 4
 Red phosphorus - polymeric solid
 Scarlet phosphorus
 Violet phosphorus
 Black phosphorus - semiconductor, analogous to graphite
 Diphosphorus


 dioxygen, O 2 - colorless (faint blue)
 Ozone, O 3 - blue
 Tetraoxygen, O 4 - metastable
 Octaoxygen, O 8 - red
Sulfur:  Sulfur has a large number of allotropes, second only to carbon


 "Red selenium," cyclo-Se 8
 Gray selenium, polymeric Se
 Black selenium
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