Element Allotropes
grey tin (alpha tin)
white tin (beta tin)
rhombic tin (gamma tin)
sigma tin
ferrite (alpha iron) - forms below 770°C (the Curie point, TC); the iron
becomes magnetic in its alpha form; BCC
beta - forms below 912°C; BCC crystal structure
gamma - forms below 1,394°C; FCC crystal structure
delta - forms from cooling down molten iron below 1,538°C; BCC
crystal structure
epsilon - forms at high pressures
Lanthanides and Actinides
Cerium, samarium, terbium, dysprosium and ytterbium have three allotropes.
Praseodymium, neodymium, gadolinium and terbium have two allotropes.
Plutonium has six distinct solid allotropes under "normal" pressures. Their
densities vary within a ratio of some 4:3, which vastly complicates all kinds of
work with the metal (particularly casting, machining, and storage). A seventh
plutonium allotrope exists at very high pressures. The transuranium metals Np,
Am, and Cm are also allotropic.
Promethium, americium, berkelium and californium have 3 allotropes each.