Microsoft Word - WaterChemistry

(Michael S) #1

Fire and Burn Hazards
Guidelines for safe work practices:
 Be cautious and follow rules for open flames, reactive substances, and
 Wear gloves when handling hot glass or tools.
 Keep water and wet hands away from electrical equipment.
 Don't use electrical equipment with worn cords, damaged plugs, etc.

Emergency Preparedness
 Don't work alone in the lab.
 Post emergency phone numbers.
 Keep SDSs on hand-and read them.
 Know what to do in an emergency.
 Know the location of showers, eyewash stations, fire extinguishers.

Know which type of fire extinguisher to use for the chemicals with which you are working.
Consult organization procedures, SDSs, and your supervisor.

Work closely with your emergency services and practice annual drills with these agencies.
It may be required by OSHA or EPA depending upon your chemical or biological storage
at your facility. Don’t risk a tragedy or a violation. It is bad press and a lot of red tape.

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